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Time to plan the next vacation

The first week of August has soon passed and the summer is getting closer to an end. For most of us it means back to the routines with work and whatever else that comes with it. The winter can feel far away but it is not. Maybe have started looking for your next break, and considering a ski trip. Great! Well, maybe, maybe not. Skiing can be a fantastic experience, but let’s make sure its the right one for your next holiday. I have listed some pros and cons.


It’s a great trip whether you’re going with a group of friends, as a couple, as a solo traveler or even as a family. It’s especially fantastic as a family holiday, where the experiences you’ll share on the mountains are hard to beat. It’s an activity that both children and adults alike love and bond over. Between the beautiful locations, the ski-resort lifestyle and the skiing itself a family ski holiday has something for everyone. Parents can enjoy some independence and make sure the kids still have a great (and educational!) time in a ski school, learning how to spray powder at their own speed.

Many ski holidays also allow for a number of activities outside of skiing that kids (and adults!) will enjoy, such as dog-sledding or snowmobiling. Bonus – the kids will be so tired afterwards the parents will be able to enjoy some apres-ski!

Sking vacation


The holiday can be pricey. Between flights, accommodation, equipment rentals and lift
passes there are a lot of associated costs that don’t make skiing the most budget-friendly
trip, especially for a young family. Although the likelihood of an injury is relatively low, there is always that risk with a ski holiday, so it is important to ensure you have suitable insurance before you ski. It’s also crucial to take adequate safety precautions such as wearing a helmet. Two-thirds of skiers who crashed without suffering an injury were wearing a helmet, so it pays to be cautious! I didn’t liked to wear a helmet either but then I realized it heats up pretty good so now I always ski with one.


It’s an ideal healthy holiday during winter, especially after a Christmas break spent
indulging! Skiing is a great workout, but unlike the gym, this is one in which you can
appreciate the beautiful surroundings of some of the world’s greatest mountain resorts whilst toning your thighs. Quite apart from the physical fitness benefits, the lack of pollution in fresh mountain air will do wonders for your respiratory health, as well as your spirits! A surprising health bonus can be the exposure to Vitamin D on a sunny day, which is helpful for boosting your immune system and fighting off a runny nose. Just make sure to keep topped up with sunscreen! You may not immediately realize it, but a long day spent skiing is a recipe for sunburn. The combination of the high altitude and the reflective surface of the snow mean that sunscreen is essential for any skiing trip.


With spectacular views, health benefits and fun for everyone there’s no doubting that if the circumstances are right, a skiing holiday can be a truly unique adventure. Just be sure to take the right precautions to negate the cons of cost and safety that we outlined above and enjoy your trip! Now the only difficulty is deciding which beautiful ski resort to visit… So, are you considering a ski trip for your next vacation or are you still in beach going mode?

/ Pernilla that look forward to the skiing season


  1. Running it usually is! 😉 One of few skiing resorts I have visited is Dillon, CO, so I say that – running there, or somewhere else in the Rockies, probably in the summer half year!

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